Why a positive attitude makes a successful home demonstration

A positive attitude is crucial in most everything. That’s why this blog takes a look at why a positive attitude makes a successful home demonstration.
We’re all time starved and juggling 101 things at a time these days. So, making a sudden switch from selling or building new homes to demonstrating them to a customer can feel a bit like a Jekyll and Hyde situation.
What do we mean?
Well, let’s take the sales team first. It’s their job to focus on selling and thinking about the next prospect to walk through the marketing suite door. If you have to close the sales office, the uppermost thought in the back of the sales teams’ mind will be: ‘will we lose that all important sale?’ Yet of course, if the prospect is genuine, they will come back. So, for your sales team, it’s about focusing on the home demonstration they’re about to undertake with their customer.
Now let’s think about the site managers. It’s their job to build homes and manage the site. A lot to juggle and focus on. And they have to have trust and confidence in the trades they employ to do what they do best: build new homes. If the site manager has trust in his tradespeople he has the time to join the sales team and focus on the home demonstration with the customer without worry.
And then the last thing is to make sure that you enter into a new home demonstration full of the enthusiasm that your customer deserves and are able to keep your focus on them. That means forgetting everything else that’s going on. The customer in front of you, with whom you’re about to walk round their new home and demonstrate everything to, is now the only important thing.
Following these simple steps will help you to deliver a professional and focused demonstration. One that fills your customers with confidence that you’ve looked after them well.
New Home Demonstration Training Demonstration and handover are crucial parts of the customer journey. Their effect on overall customer satisfaction is inestimable.
Our CPD accredited training will:
- Sharpen your presentation style
- Prep you to answer any difficult questions that may get thrown your way and …
- … give you the confidence to do a great job. One that will have your customers ticking the ‘Would Recommend’ box.
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